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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Find Large Files in Other on iTunes, Other Files in iPhone, iPad, iPod and iOS

iTunes Other on iOS device, large unknown files.

Find Other Large Files in iTunes on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod with Gawk

After upgrading your device to a new iOS or even after just downloading too many Cydia tweaks or Apps, you notice that when you plug in your device to iTunes you see a whopping amout of hard disk space being taken up as "Other" in iTunes and the only problem is: You have no way of finding out exactly what these large Other files are!

Fret no more, we will explore the world of terminal commands on a jailbroken iOS, this guide will show you how to make an automatic list of all unimportant files larger than 20 megabytes and their location in a sorted list format. Of course you can edit the 20 megabytes part to whichever number you would like.

Note: Below is the default location where the output "files.txt" will be located that you will create using this guide on iOS (your jailbroken device) and below that is the Gawk command we use during our SSH session to compile the list.

Default Directory for files.txt:
/ (root)

Gawk Command:
find / -iname "*" -ls | sort -rn -k 7.1 | gawk 'BEGIN {OFS="\t"} {if ($7 > 20971520) print $7,$11 " " $12 " " $13 " " $14 " " $15 " " $16 " " $17 " " $18 " " $19 " " $20}' > files.txt

PuTTY (Installer) (Software)
WinSCP (Software)
OpenSSH (Cydia Package)
Core Utilities (Cydia Package)
Gawk (Cydia Package)
Jailbroken iPhone (Hardware)

  1. First, install PuTTY using the (putty-0.62-installer.exe) installer.
  2. Now open Cydia on your jailbroken iPhone and Queue Core Utilities, OpenSSH and Gawk. (To see them listed, make sure you are in "Developer" mode for Cydia, you can check this in: Cydia > Manage > Settings)
  3. Now you just want to install WinSCP.
  4. Next, open WinSCP and login (user: root, password: alpine) through SSH to your device (iPhone, iPad, etc, you need to enter your device's local ip address, something like 192.168.x.xx), click yes to any security warnings or key dialogs.
  5. After you connect to your device in WinSCP, goto the root directory of your device and then on the toolbar menu in WinSCP click the PuTTY icon (it looks like two terminals).
  6. You should now see the PuTTY terminal window open, it asks you to enter a password, enter alpine.
  7. Next copy the Gawk command in the red box above these instructions and right click in the terminal window to paste it, next hit enter.
  8. That command just executed and you will now find a text document named "files.txt" in the root of the device, give it about 3 minutes to finish processing the list, then download it to your computer and check out the list.
  9. The list will show you the largest items in order, you can edit the Gawk command to change what file size it looks for. (It is in bytes, so 20971520 is 20 megabytes when converted) (As a security measure, you may want to remove OpenSSH after this if you do not know how to use it)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

SiriPort.ru on iPhone 4 or lower and Why You Should Avoid It

You have all seen the latest and supposedly greatest Siri port for the iPhone 4 and older devices, it is called SiriPort, which is obtained by the Russian website SiriPort.ru, I decided to write about this specific port because I wanted to inform possible Siri users to take heed of what you are actually going to do.

com.apple.assistant.plist in /var/mobile/Library/Preferences

SiriPort, once installed makes system modifications that can only be changed back upon a new restore, it includes an IMGSGX535DLDriver, it claims not to use Spire but that is false as it contains SpireInstaller and SpireRemover.

To top that off, you have to install a hacked security certificate from a foreign website, who in the world would install a security certificate from an unknown, unverifiable, or unaccountable source?

A hacked guzzoni.apple.com security certificate.

Siri may be a great feature nabbed by Apple at the last minute before the iPhone4S release, but a feature like this should not make you sacrifice your security and iOS system integrity.

The details you have, the location data, contacts, UDID and any other information; SiriPort.ru can collect it on their web server from you as soon as you give SiriPort a command, this can be a dangerous amount of specific information which could lead to future problems or possibly even privacy invasion.

If you can give up your right to security for an illegal port of a fractional feature, you might have a problem.

The creator of SiriPort.ru goes by the name of "gdimait" you can iMessage him at gdimaits [ at ] yahoo.com, in English you could call him Dmitriy Garitskiy.

The owners of SiriPort.ru not only have weak guides for how to get SiriPort to work correctly, but they also have threads on their forums telling people they can donate to get SiriPort to work. Now this might not have crossed your mind yet, but if so many people are having problems connecting to get an authentication token from their servers and try for days or weeks (this is what the guides say to do), they will eventually either give up or pay up, if they are desperate enough they will do the latter and that right there could be a ploy to get money off of this hacked feature.

SiriPort.ru donations for speedy processing of authentication.

When you install SiriPort from Cydia and then uninstall it later, it leaves many traces behind and changes integral areas of the iOS system, I recommend not using SiriPort.ru unless you are willing to wait months, pay money or sacrifice your security and system stability on your iOS device to a foreign entity unknown to you.

SiriPort.ru may cause Mobile Substrate problems.

SiriPort.ru leaves system files changed and damaged.